Lutheran World Relief Quilts—Ingathering for 1st Sunday in October 2022
Ingathering Thanks 2022! Thank you to Sue Hettinger who helps to lay the quilts together each month. Thank you to Carol Lebo who has joined us in sewing quilt tops. Thank you to Sandy Smith who sews tops and does all the binding of the quilts. Thank you to the ladies of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Lebanon and those at St. Luke who comes to knot the quilts together the 2nd Wednesday of each month. Anna Ruth Burkholder has given us cut squares. We thank you for your years of partnership in this project. We are also grateful for your continued donations of sheets, mattress pads, blankets, material, crochet yarn and batting that is purchased. The cost of the batting has gone from $60 to $120 for a roll. We get 18-20 quilts from one roll. If you are willing to make a donation, it would be appreciated. WELCA pays for the batting. There is now a tracking system. St. Luke quilts have gone to Haiti, Ukraine, Mali, Bolivia, United States and 12 other countries this past year. In 2021, LWR sent out over 122,400 quilts. Thank you for your contributions to LWR which helps to pay the cost of $2.25 for the shipping of each quilt. The ladies made 90 quilts this year.
Thank you to Sue DeLong for arranging the packing, carrying, and collection from 14 area churches. Helpers included Paula Benson, Paul DeLong, Mike DeLong, Dave & Richelle Deysher, Anna Mae Grubb, Mike & Sharon Reber, Sandy Smith, and Jake & Judy Werner. Together, we moved boxes containing 331 quilts, 941 personal care kits, 21 fabric kits, and 977 school kits. A special thank you to Plain and Fancy who continue to generously allocate the usage of a truck and drivers Bryon Hehnly and Kim & Will Haverstick. They drive to St. James Lutheran, Lebanon and St. Mark’s Lutheran, Annville so we can load the quilts and kits. The next day they drive to Bergstresser Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ephrata. Other people take over from there to deliver the boxes to New Windsor MD Lutheran World Relief warehouse.
God’s Work – Our Many Hands!
Blessings, Anna Mae Grubb
Women of the ELCA give the baby quilts for baptisms. We thank Carol Lebo who continues to make these quilts as needed.
In November the Lutheran Camping Co. has an auction. For several years one of our quilts was donated for the auction. A quilt came this year which was donated.