Lutheran World Relief Ingathering of quilts, school kits, fabric kits, baby kits and personal kits require the coordination of many people each Fall to transform scraps into quilts and get them to the people who need them.
Thank you to all of the individuals involved for providing cut fabric squares, piecing the squares together, sewing the tops and bindings, organizing monthly quilting bees, donating and purchasing (sheets, mattress pads, blankets, yarn, and batting), boxing the quilts and transporting boxes from 11 churches in central Pennsylvania to Bergstrasse. Special thanks to Plain and Fancy who provided the truck and 2 drivers to help with Ingathering.
St. Luke created 104 beautiful quilts. Our members carried 40 lb. boxes filled with 408 quilts, 603, Personal Care Kits, 12 Fabric Kits, 14 Baby Care Kits and 1,028 School Kits. Last year 220,000 quilts alone, traveled to 19 countries.
From scraps to finish, your hands and donations work together to bless many!