It has been 10 years since the ELGA introduced “God’s Work – Our Hands” on the second Sunday in September to encourage congregations to focus on outreach in the communities we serve. For nine of those ten years here at St. Luke, we have used that Sunday to kick off our annua! Diaper Drive and Warmth for Winter. So, mark your calendar for September 10th, and stock up on some packages of diapers to bring to church that Sunday. These will be distributed through Lebanon County Christian Ministries. God’s Work Our Hands Sunday also marks the kickoff of our Warmth for Winter program to provide clothing, blankets, etc. where needed in the community. Details to follow as we gather information in the fall season. If you know of a family in need of extra warmth this winter, please provide their contact information to the church office. We will also be placing an order for God’s Work Our Hands T-shirts if you don’t have one or need a new one. Forms with the size options to indicate your preference will be available in the church in July.
Warmth for winter and warmth from the heart. Thank you for your support and for helping to do God’s Work with Your Hands!